Thursday, July 09, 2009

POW! (Play Of The Week)

by James McLure

Change isn't easy. Take it from Roy, the Vietnam vet returning home to his beloved Texas. He goes back to everything and everyone he remembers, only to find things aren't the way he left them. Thank goodness he has a brother like Ray. Right?

The brothers spend the night at the town bar, where they slug Lone Star beers while swapping stories about the "good ole days". Roy’s problem: now that he’s been introduced to "the ocean," he is now a fish out of water – no longer the big fish in his own little pond. Ray’s problem: he's not that smart. He’s got the heart of an angel but the intelligence of a lawnmower.

McLure's Lone Star is a terrific two man piece that skillfully balances vaudevillian humor with dramatic scenes steeped in the after-effects of war. Their hilarious conversations range from Roy's old Thunderbird convertible to a secret Ray is holding in for fear it will change his relationship with his big brother forever. And under all this remains the sinking feeling that one can become estranged to one’s hometown, one’s brother, even oneself.

Cast: 2 M.

Scenes/Monologues: Great comedic scene work for two actors in their early 20s to early 30s. Roy is the straight man who sets up all the punch lines for Ray's ignorance to deliver. McLure's scenes are character interaction at it's best.

Recommended by: Matty A.


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