Play of the Week: May 7, 2008
God's Ear

God's Ear by Jenny Schwartz
Look, you're fairly intelligent. You know your stuff. You're shopping at the Drama Book Shop, right? So I can only assume you care about the ever-evolving literary forms of the theatre.
Jenny Schwartz agrees with you. As Mel and Ted cope with the near-drowning of their young son, God's Ear is an intimate hurricane in plot alone, but Schwartz wrenches her characters' inner turmoil to the surface through a relentless language that leaves the audience giggling dumbly and blushing for shame.
Sensing gimmickry in the cast list? Breathe easy – Schwartz is a far cry from cleverer-than-thou, and in a play that lays bare the precious like so much evidence before the court of humanity, the Tooth Fairy and GI Joe must report for duty.
New Georges' death-defying production is being revived at the Vineyard right now, and you should probably see it.
Scenes/Monologues: Scenework, scenework. Mostly for middle-aged men and women.
Recommended by: Jesica
God's Ear by Jenny Schwarz
Paper, April, 2008. 158 page.
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