Award-Winning Performer Gives Free Seminar on Acting the Song: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 6:00PM, at the Drama Book Shop

Find out what actors, singers, and dancers have raved about after their musical theater workshops with acclaimed director Allison Bergman. On March 11, at 6:00PM, Bergman will conduct a seminar at The Drama Book Shop, covering the most talked-about matters in musical theater today: body movement and gesture, modern microphone use, legit singing and belting, finding subtext, and much more. Performers of all backgrounds and experience will get practical tips to look beyond being just an actor or just a singer. You will learn how to truly act the song.
Speaker bio: Allison Bergman is an award-winning stage director. She conducts professional and academic workshops across the country, specializing in musical theatre development and performance skills. Previously named Outstanding Woman in Theater in Los Angeles, she now lives in New York City.
Acting the Song: Performance Skills for the Musical Theatre Tracey Moore and Allison Bergman Allworth Press, 2008 Paper, 304 pages, $24.95
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